Image 'Generators'


The ultrasonic generators from KLN Ultraschall are attached to cleaning tanks with different volumes - from small tanks with a few litres to large containers with a capacity of several cubic metres.
Even under demanding operating conditions, KLN ultrasonic generators offer a high level of operational reliability. Thanks to decades of experience in the development of ultrasonic technology, you can now choose from a wide range of generators. These fulfil a wide range of requirements in terms of frequency, installation options and output power in order to offer customised solutions for every application.

Design and construction of the GT and GTY series

  • Ultrasonic frequencies of 20, 30 and 40 kHz
  • Double half-wave operation
  • Switchable to single half-wave operation
  • Design as desktop unit or in 19’ rack-mounted technology
  • Short-circuit resistance
  • Open-circuit protection
  • Internal impedance matching

Submersible transducers TSP


  • Ultrasonic cleaning in various branches of industry
  • Use in tanks from approx. 100 l bath capacity up to volumes of several cubic metres
  • Use in various processes such as pre-cleaning in an electroplating line

Powerschal technology
The ‘Powerschall’ technology from KLN Ultraschall offers particularly effective cleaning performance and an extremely robust design. These universally applicable oscillating systems are ideal for use in cleaning tanks and are characterised by simple installation and mounting options without flange openings on the tank. Thanks to their variable handling, they can be used in several tanks without any problems. We offer a full guarantee of up to 12,000 operating hours or a maximum of 3 years for these durable systems.

Unsere Tauchschallgeber bestehen aus dicht verschweißten Metallgehäusen, in denen piezokeramische Schwingerelemente integriert sind. Diese Schwingersysteme werden am Boden oder an den Seitenwänden von Reinigungsbädern installiert. Die Stromversorgung erfolgt über eine HF-Zuleitung, die über eine rückseitige Anschlussdose, einen Rohrkrümmer oder einen flexiblen Metallgewebe-Schlauch geführt wird. Die Tauchschallgeber sind in verschiedenen Größen verfügbar und können bei Betriebsfrequenzen von 20, 25, 30, 40 oder 132 kHz betrieben werden. Sie bieten nicht nur eine effektive Reinigungswirkung, sondern sind auch für den nachträglichen Einsatz geeignet, was ihre Flexibilität weiter erhöht.

Special designs:

  • Tubular transducers with frequencies from 20 - 40 kHz

Transducer plates SPP P


  • Ultrasonic cleaning of the most diverse parts in production and assembly
  • Ultrasonic cleaning in maintenance and repair
  • Installation of single or multiple transducer plates on the base or side walls of cleaning tanks.

Powerschall transducer plates
Our ‘Powerschall’ technology from KLN Ultraschall sets standards in ultrasonic cleaning with particularly effective and stable transducer systems. The transducer plates, which are attached by means of a flange, offer an outstanding cleaning effect. These plates are equipped with piezoceramic (PZT) oscillating elements mounted on the back.

Versatile flange plates for your cleaning needs
The transducer plates are available in different sizes and power levels, allowing flexible use at different operating frequencies of 20, 25, 30, 40 or 132 kHz. They are versatile and can be mounted on cleaning trays. The ultrasound is emitted on one side through the front of the plate, which comes into contact with the cleaning liquid. A protective cover (perforated plate) covers the PZT elements attached to the plate side to ensure their longevity. Long-term reliability and flexibility Our transducer plates are not only suitable for use in new cleaning tanks, but also for retrofitting in existing systems. We offer a long-term guarantee for this power version, which guarantees you a particularly effective cleaning performance.